"Only the hand that erases can write the true thing." ~ Meister Eckhart
I love this quote for many reasons. First, it's about writing--or, specifically, it's about revision. This is a quote that debunks the importance of the first draft. Lots of young writers want to believe that their first draft is the "truest" draft, the closest thing to what was really on their minds when they were writing. I know this because I used to be one of those writers. Over time, though, you learn that revision is where you figure out what you actually meant. As I tell my students, "You have to make the clay before you can do anything with it."
I also love this quote because it's about learning to live with integrity. You can't understand the story of your life unless you're willing to re-write some chapters when new information arises and new wisdom surfaces with age and experience. You can't believe the same things throughout your entire lifetime if you're learning and growing. "I was raised to believe . . . " is one of my least favorite phrases. I was raised to believe many things that I don't believe anymore, and I don't believe those things because my experience of life has proven them to be untrue. If you're going to live with integrity, you have to be open to doubting the people you love and erasing pieces of their influence. That's never an easy thing to do, but it's a necessary part of living in the truth.
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