Thursday, September 30, 2010

30 Days of Blogging, Day 26: Describe Your Dream House

I can't say the house I'm living in right now is my dream house, since it's not situated in the woods and doesn't have a spectacular view.  But I love my house.  I do wish I could make a few substantial improvements, though.

I wish the kitchen looked like this.  Right now I have a tiny galley kitchen, which makes it hard to do anything very complicated.  Also, there's really no room for more than one person in the kitchen at a time.  I'd like to have a kitchen where people can cook together comfortably.   

And I wish I had an outdoor office, like this.  I realize it would have to have a window air conditioner--otherwise, it would be unusable for six months of the year--but I like the idea of being able to leave the house without actually leaving home.   

 And, finally, I wish we had a piano like this in the living room:

I love listening to my husband play the piano.  He doesn't get to do it very often, since we only have a small keyboard right now, but in my dream house there's a baby grand piano where he can play anytime he wants.

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