Monday, September 20, 2010

30 Days of Blogging, Day 16: Something You Definitely Can Live Without.



My husband will laugh when he reads this, because he hates the TV and doesn't like that it's on so much of the time.  I'm used to having the TV on, it's true, but I'm hardly ever watching it.  I've done writing residencies where no TV was available for two weeks, and while the adjustment is a little difficult at first, it's also pleasant.  I like the way quiet sort of takes over your life when there's no TV available.  (When I went to O'Hare Airport after two weeks without television, I almost started crying as the result of overstimulation.  The noise!  The lights!  It was all too much.)

But when you live with children--or, at least, when you live with children in a neighborhood like mine, where not having access to TV would be a pretty big deal--you get used to noise.  Including TV.  When the house is quiet (as it is at this moment), I actually get a little nervous.  Quiet is unnatural.  It's better to have some voices in the background to remind you that everything's fine.

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