Friday, October 1, 2010

30 Days of Blogging, Day 27: Something you have to forgive yourself for

A couple of weeks ago in Sunday school, I was talking to the Confirmation class about baptism.  We were discussing how you have to live your baptism every day by believing you start with a clean slate, as far as God is concerned.  I pointed out that, once you get to be my age, you have lots of things you need to be forgiven for, but the hardest thing is to forgive yourself. 

I don't think I could single out one thing for which I need to forgive myself.  Generally speaking, I'm still working on offering forgiveness to my 18-to-22-year-old self, who made a lot of dumb decisions that I can hardly bear to think about as an older person.  There are any number of explanations for why this happened, but the bottom line is, I made those choices.  Plenty of people around me were making smarter decisions--I was just too lazy and selfish and generally immature to do the right thing, much of the time.
Fortunately, after I'd moved across the country to go to graduate school, I outgrew those traits very quickly.  When you're completely on your own, you learn that being a person others respect is pretty important--you can't expect much from them if they aren't able to expect much from you in return.

1 comment:

Wegner Family said...

I really enjoyed this post. Just thought I would let you know!